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Morgan Bibliography of Ohio Imprints, 1796-1850


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Illustration shows an early botanic medicine book printed in Canton, Ohio, in 1838. At the American Antiquarian Society. Morgan No. 295


The Morgan Bibliography of Ohio Imprints, 1796-1850 describes books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed in Ohio, from the earliest in 1796 through 1850. The bibliography is compiled and maintained by Richard P. Morgan. The bibliography includes names of libraries that own copies of these historical materials to aid in locating originals. Through a partnership with the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, many titles formerly owned by the Morgan Library are now in the AAS collections which totals over 3,700 Ohio imprints. Total imprints: 10,480 imprints added on 12/1/2015.

The Morgan Library of Ohio Imprints has merged its Ohio Name Index into its Student Name Index.

It continues to maintain and to update the Ohio imprints project.

Use of this bibliography is free, thanks to the generosity of the American Antiquarian Society in providing access via its website.